
An Open Letter to "Those Who Died"

Dear Service Men and Women,

I would like to write a simple note to you to express my profound thanks for what you have done for my generation.  From 1776 to 2010 (including before and beyond), you noble individuals have sacrificed much--if not all--"in memory of our God, our religion, and freedom, and our peace, our [spouses], and our children."  Our country is where it is today because of what you have done.  I don't know that I can fully comprehend nor thank you for that.  And, I feel to acknoweldge and express disappointment in the fact that so many in our day have lost touch with what that sacrifice means, and how we should each be willing to do the same.  I hope that someday we will.  But despite the ignorance and ingratitude, you serve.

And for that, I thank you.

Respectfully yours,


P.S.  Happy Birthday, Derek!

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