
An Open Letter to My In-Laws (All of Them)

Dear Family (because that's what I think of you),

I know that most of you probably won't read this.  But that's ok, I still like you.  Now, I have to be honest and say that there are some of you that I know better than others.  Some of that comes from a timing issue (Jenny H., I think you've been around the longest!).  Some of that comes from a distance issue.  Some of that comes from a ok-so-it-was-kind-of-awkward-when-I-was-dating-your-brother-for-two-years-and-had-commitment-issues issue.  (That last one is gone now, and I think we're all happier for it--at least I am.)  But, I just want to say that I feel really blessed that my brothers chose wisely and that I did, too.  I am grateful that you're all happy, loving people who are innately good, and who have really cute children.  I really look forward to the day when I will hopefully get the chance to be around for more than two weeks at a time.  I think there are some good times to be had.  You're a fantastic group.

And for that, I thank you.

Love always,


PS  Happy Birthday, Joe.

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